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Version: 2.0


This menu [Configuration>Accounts Management>Accounts] can be used to manage users in the system.

After installation there are two predefined accounts admin and user, both can be edited by the user.

The list of Users is contained in a table which has the following columns:

  • Username - unique User name
  • Role - the role assigned to a user that is configured in the menu [Configuration>Account Management>User Roles]
  • Description - User description
  • Authentication - method of authentication
  • Status - User status - active/inactive
  • First name - User first name
  • Last name - User second name
  • Email - User email address
  • Actions
    • Edit - edit an existing User
    • Change password - change User password
    • Delete - delete User

To add a new User account click New account button then fill out the New account form.

  • Username - unique User name
  • Role - List of roles (Configuration>Account Management>User Roles) created in the system that can be added to the User
  • First name - User first name
  • Last name - User second name
  • Email - User email address
  • Active account switch - status switch, active/inactive
  • Description - User description
  • Password - User password
  • Confirm password - confirm password